Friday, July 24, 2009

Small Talk About Weather

So, I was under the impression that San Diego didn't HAVE weather. I'm pretty sure people (and told me that it was perfect and 70s all year. Well, I was LIED TO.

San Diegans have these sayings that they just LOVE. (Like, everyone we meet wants to inform us that they have these super cool, catchy phrases, and they think no one else has told us.)
1. May Gray (or Grey, whichever spelling you have adopted, since they are both correct. English is weird.)
2. June Gloom
3. July Fry (Just learned that one!)

You can probably figure out what they mean. May and June are somewhat overcast. July is pretty darn hot. Apparently the best time to come visit is Septemberish, FYI.

It's remarkable how varied the temperature is depending on how far you are from the coast. By the ocean, and even around where we live, it's pretty pleasant right now. But where Josh works, about 20 miles east, it may be 15 degrees hotter. Crazy!

Despite this, the weather does stay pretty constant compared to what we're used to. We are determined not to use heat OR air for the whole year! But I miss storms. I really want a thunderstorm! I'm not quite sure if that's going to happen considering the news here reports rainfall of less than 1/10 of an inch. Really? Really.

1 comment:

  1. Gray is correct. Grey is English (like the "top of the morning, governor"-type of English).

    What do they call August? I guess you'll have to wait a week to find out.
