Saturday, July 4, 2009

Is this heaven? No, it's Iowa.

We've heard the comment, "Iowa? Field of Dreams, right!" about 5 times when we've told people where we're from. (And I personally have had TWO pharmacists tell me, "Iowa? Hey, I'm trying to grow corn in my backyard!" At least they didn't think that Iowa grew potatoes or were the Buckeyes or something.) Anyway, we decided we better re-familiarize ourselves with the movie that everyone seems to connect us to, so we watched 'Field of Dreams.' (And if you glance at the previous post, you will notice that Josh is wearing his Field of Dreams shirt in the 3rd picture down :-) I got my Field of Dreams shirt in 4th grade, so I do not normally wear it in public anymore.)

I like telling people I'm from Iowa. I like being from Iowa. It's like being happy that you're not from the "cool" place, like you know what life is REALLY like. You've been brave and interesting enough to branch out and live somewhere other than the place that EVERYONE wants to live (even though you were born there and didn't exactly have a choice...) It's kind of like being glad that you went to Central even though all the PV kids think they're going to get shot when they go there.

I like being from a place where cities are smaller, a place where there isn't a strip club on every other corner, where you can golf for less than $20, where rent isn't $1500, where you don't get offered weed every time you disc golf (according to Josh), where people work hard, where you can be in the middle of a countryside full of cornfields in 20 minutes, where you don't have to get on the interstate anytime you go anywhere. Don't get me wrong, we love it out here. We've got beaches and mountains and professional sports and IKEA and an endless supply of things to do and an endless supply of sunny days to do them. And it's a great place to be a pharmacist. We love being here, but we love being Hawkeyes.

Disclaimer: Whiteys ice cream may play a significant role in our love for Iowa.


  1. There's a strip club on every other corner in San Diego? How would you know this? Rachael...

  2. WHITEY'S! Not gonna lie... I've sometimes considered ordering them online. It's only about $12 per malt when they ship in dry ice.

  3. I won't tell you all what I ate last night, because that would be mean. I will say that it was cold, creamy, and delightful. And it was Whitey's. Oops.
