Wednesday, June 17, 2009


I got my NAPLEX score today. (The Iowa Board of Pharmacy seriously has to be the most efficient board of ANYTHING that there is.) I passed! Yay! We went to P.F.Changs to celebrate :-) (We sat by a table with a family of 5. BOTH parents were playing with their iPhones for almost 10 minutes, and their kids were trying to talk to them and sit on them, and they didn't even look up! We're pretty positive they were facebooking. It was just pathetic.) Now that that's done, I can take my law exam if the California Board of Pharmacy will ever get around to processing my stuff. So, basically, I can expect to take that test, oh, next winter or so. Maybe. If I'm lucky...

We got our internet hooked up today! Two GREAT things about this. 1) I no longer have to go hang out with my computer at the library or in the parking lot of Starbucks. (Did you know you get free internet at Starbucks if you have a gift card? True story.) 2) Our cable internet provider is NOT Mediacom! Not really sure about this whole TimeWarner company, but they HAVE to be better than Mediacom.

Our condo is starting to come together. The kitchen is actually usable. aka We can open the refrigerator and all cabinet doors all the way because there are no longer boxes everywhere. Our clothes have all found a place and the living room doesn't have boxes everywhere. Bad news: a lot of those boxes have merely been thrown into the 2nd bedroom...We'll get there!

We went for a swim in our pool today and plan on finding a new beach tomorrow. We decided it still feels like we're on vacation. I guess we kind of are!

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