Thursday, June 11, 2009

And it Begins

I have always thought about starting a blog. It seemed like a great way to journal ones life, day to day activities that you want to remember but probably won’t. It also always sounded like a lot of work. And writing the first entry sounded like a WHOLE lot of work. How do I commence the first entry to what may be a lifetime, or at least a LONG time, of life documentation? And then, how do I carry on regularly with entries that would be interesting enough that I, or anyone else for the matter, would ever want to read. I know for a fact that I could never be as clever and witty as my friend Christina, though if I have as many horrible car stories to be witty about as she does with her poor, unlucky car, I might have to scream. And my entries certainly won’t be as intelligent as Tom Nibs, who reads almost all non-fiction books and makes me, though I am fairly intelligent according to my GPA, feel like I know nothing. And I can certainly never compose entries as creative and well-written as my dear friend Katie BD, whose best-selling book I eagerly await at a bookstore near you. Thus, alas, I have merely resolved that I will, simply, write. And whatever comes out, though perhaps not clever or witty or intelligent or creative, will just be me, and perhaps occasionally Josh. And that is enough.

Now seemed like the perfect time to finally start a blog, seeing as how this very minute Josh and I are driving across the country (currently in New Mexico) with everything we own in the back of a Penske truck, to spend a year in San Diego, California. I will be starting my Pharmacy General-Practice Residency (PGY1) at Sharp Healthcare on June 29. Josh will be transferring to another Walgreens as an assistant manager. I have always, always wanted to live in San Diego, since the first time I visited with my mom and sister, Kelli. I loved that no view was minus a palm tree, the perfect weather, the endless supply of things to do, and most of all, the ocean! I never actually thought I would live there, of course. With the rumors of horrible traffic, the tremendously high cost of living (I am quite cheap, I mean…frugal), and the distance from home, it never seemed like a real possibility. But here we are, with only 645.5 miles left to go (according to Garmin). Sometimes I have to remind myself that this is what I’ve always wanted, and how wonderful it is that I actually get to do it, or I start thinking too much about how I will miss home. But it is quite the adventure, and we are excited, and we are quite sure we will be back to the Midwest someday. (I’m not sure any child raised this close to LA could ever turn out completely normal…) For now, we look forward to a year of great weather, new experiences, lots of visitors, and I guess I’m supposed to learn a little something about being a good pharmacist, too…


  1. Yay! Welcome to blogging :) I'm so excited to catch up with you and Josh and hear about San Diego. Hope you are having great travels so far!

  2. Josh & Rachael - So glad to hear you've safely arrived and sooo happy to know we can keep up with you via your new blog - i love it! We love you two so very much. I'm so grateful I was able to see you before you left for CA. Enjoy every minute you two! I'll be out to visit soon...:)

    Much Love,

  3. Rachael, I love reading the things you write. They are so interesting and informative. I look forward to reading more things about your time in CA. I would like to read some things from Josh as well. I hope you two are having a great day in San Diego. Hopefully you are rested up and ready to explore. Only 51 more days until I see you! Can't wait:) Your dad is over being mad about the possum. He made a hole in 1. He can't be mad after that. I love you two!

  4. Yay! I'M SO EXCITED TO HAVE ANOTHER BLOGGING FRIEND!!! Ok, Caps Lock off. Enjoy this year. If you're anything like me, moving across the country will be one of the greatest decisions of your life.

  5. Jeez Christina, take it easy on the caps lock. I too am excited to read a Rachael blog. I sense lots of momentum building behind the idea of Josh writing as well. He should. He won't have much else to do, seeing how the Cubbies are already falling apart...ouch. Sorry I haven't updated my own blog in a while, but I have plenty of good excuses with which I hope to entertain you sometime.

  6. Christina, don't tell them that!:) Seriously, though, I think this is going to be a wonderful experience and a time to grow within yourself and closer to each other. Even though I miss you terribly I'm willing to sacrifice so you may have this experience. It's my job as a mother to do this. So glad you have a blog otherwise don't know when I would have found out you passed your test:) Congratulations Rachael! I'm not sure if you were worried or not but I had complete faith in you. I knew you would not have a problem with that. You are probably one of the most intelligent people I know. Except when it comes to sunscreen! I love you guys. Glad you are having some fun before your schedules kick in. You both deserve it.
